We take a look at the cities along the route of the Malabar Rampage. The Malabar Rampage Rickshaw Challenge kicks off on 8th April, with a week of great weather, stunning scenery, and fascinating cities in store. As always with the Rickshaw Challenge it will be a mad week of exploration and entertainment. Through Kerala,...Read More
Thursday 9th March is the first day of this year’s Pondicherry Equestrian Challenge. The Pondicherry Equestrian Challenge takes place at the Red Earth Riding School in Auroville from March 9th till March 12th. The show will feature high quality riders belonging to clubs from all across South India, participating in both show jumping...Read More
Days 5 & 6 of the Rickshaw Challenge Classic Run took participants from Madruai to Tuticorin. After an amazing New Year’s Eve party that nobody can remember – some people are even said to have slept next to the elevator instead of in their bed – and after driving through the hot sun...Read More
December is Chennai’s month of music, where musicians (and fans!) come from all across India (and beyond!) for the “Madras Music Season”. Music is one of the unique treasures of India, with a style and culture unlike anywhere else of earth. For those who want a taste of Indian classic music, Chennai’s month...Read More
Southern Indian food is all about spice. It’s no secret that India has amazing food, and in every region you travel new culinary discoveries await. There are vast differences between the cooking styles of different areas of the subcontinent. North Indian cuisine has noticeably central Asian influences, with greater use of meat, thicker sauces (often...Read More
If you’re in Mumbai, there’s nothing like a bit of shopping. The best street markets in Mumbai are where you can get the authentic produce for the cheapest prices in the coolest settings! Get ready to bargain. Street shopping in India can be an exhilarating experience, with an overwhelming selection of goods on offer at...Read More
Seems like not even a day can go by without some action in the 2015 Deccan Odyssey, but that’s the whole point of this wonderful adventure, isn’t it? In case you were wondering about what happened in the first four days, here is our recap so you can be as up-to-date as possible. Day One:...Read More
The Deccan Odyssey is on the horizon, starting in just a month and a bit, so to hype things up a bit we want to introduce the Deccan Plateau to you. This large stretch of land, taking up most of central and south India, lies between the Western and Eastern Ghats, the Nilgiri Hills in...Read More
Getting out of Kerala proved to be quite a tough challenge for our teams on the Malabar Rampage. Kerala tends to throw up unexpected suprises here and there, and this time it was no exception. Without too much notice, our teams found out that most of the state was shutting down on Wednesday. The Hartal...Read More
From temples to hidden beaches, while the GamingZion Rickshaw Challenge Classic Run 2015 might not have followed the classic tourist route, but we have seen some amazing sites along the way, either from the backseat of a rickshaw or on our stops along the way. We drove deep into the heart of Tamil Nadu, which...Read More