Seems like not even a day can go by without some action in the 2015 Deccan Odyssey, but that’s the whole point of this wonderful adventure, isn’t it? In case you were wondering about what happened in the first four days, here is our recap so you can be as up-to-date as possible.

Day One:
Every member of the Fantastic Five has arrived in time for registration at the River View Hall in the Crown Hotel located in Goa, Panaji. The Kameraki Team from Japan arrived at the same time the organizers did and Team Packman decided that being early was the way to go (they arrived one day in advance.) We Don’t Give A Tuk arrived just in the nick of time with a severe case of Jet Lag and last but not least, the Wicked Vikings and Screw Loose Racing both had a smashing party in the casino the night before. During the briefing, Mother Nature decided that it was time to make things interesting with a case of heavy raining. However, nothing could ruin the lively atmosphere of the room after the briefing: the groups chirped away with each other. Luck was on our side during the Practice routes, too; the rain had stopped and the teams could practise in peace. We Don’t Give A Tuk ran into some difficulties, but the other teams got comfy with the roads quickly (the Packman Team was so self-assured that they only practised for an hour or so.)

Day Two:
At 11 AM, the teams met up with the organizers, with each team already set to start on the adventure. The mini-challenge started from Old Goa and went on until the Basilica. The organizers caught up with the Kameraki Team and took some photos. Then, everyone returned to the hotel for a great game of Water Polo in the blissfully cool swimming pool.

Day Three:
The Fantastic Five kept the organizers waiting a bit: instead of 7 AM, they showed up at 7.30 AM. Todd, from Team Packman showed up at the reception in his wonderful costume and told the organizers that some of the contenders went out the night before and had a huge party. Around 8 o’clock, the other contestants arrived, most of them very tired (ahem, hung over) from the previous night. Even though nobody was on their A-game, they soon livened up by the thought of their upcoming magical challenge. By 9 AM, everyone was on the road. During the drive around Belgaum, the Wicked Vikings and Screw Loose Racing got into a bit of a break-down-pickle, but all was fixed thanks to the support crew. Everyone was completely beat by the end of the day.

Day Four:
We Don’t Give A Tuk got very creative this time; they went with an Arabian Nights theme to give the kickoff of the race a truly uplifting vibe. One of the members of Team Kameraki informed the organizers that they will only be able to start after 10 AM. In the end, all members of the Fantastic Five arrived on time in Kolapur, with all of their challenges met to their best effort. It was a wonderful day.

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