Tamil Nadu, the land of Tamils is a state in Southern India known for its temples and architecture, food, movies and classical Indian dance and Carnatic music. The languages spoken are predominantly Tamil and English in the larger cities and metro capital Chennai. It is the historical home of the famous Chera, Chola, Pandya and...Read More
It’s December, travelers, and that means the fourth annual Classic Run is just right around the corner. Though registration is still open, the rickshaws are being painted, the stereos are being installed, and the teams are getting ready for the adventure of a lifetime! But why should you travel to Tamil Nadu after Christmas and...Read More
There’s no escaping the ubiquitous three wheeled auto rickshaw in India. Cheaper than a taxi and more convenient than a bus, their loud buzz can be heard all over the country. However, your experience of India’s auto rickshaws doesn’t have to be restricted to merely riding in them. It’s possible to take the controls and...Read More