Random Facts About India That Will Surprise You

The week has ended, and it’s time to relax a bit… So, we have compiled some of the most random facts about India that will make you say “Woah!”  
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– With a total population of 1.2 billion, India is the world’s largest democracy.
– The Hindu calendar in India has 6 seasons: Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, Winter and Prevernal.
– The world’s largest family lives in India: the man has 39 wives and 94 children.
– Police officers in Madhya Pradesh are given a small upgrade in their salaries for having a moustache.

– There are more mobile phones in India than toilets.
– As probably you too will notice during the Rickshaw Challenge, it is illegal to take Indian Rupees out of the country.

– In a clever twist, Children’s Day is celebrated exactly nine months after Valentine’s Day.
– 70% of the world’s spices comes from India.  – India’s population is larger than the total number of inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere.
– The group “Love Commandos” is a team that offers protection from harassment for people who fall in love and come from different castes.
– “Go Air” Indian airline only hires female flight attendants because they are lighter – because of this, the airline saves USD 500,000 yearly on fuel.
– An Indian man managed to fake sell the Taj Mahal, the Indian Parliament and many other buildings, for which he got 113 years in prison. He escaped 9 times, and the last time he escaped, he was 84 years old.
– Among other countries’ bills, India’s money also has braille-like markings.
– The richest man in India is Mukesh Ambani; he built a 27-story home with three helipads costing USD 1 billion. He also has a staff of 600.
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– Indian housewives possess 11% of the world’s gold reserves.
– Only 1 in a 100 marriages in India end in divorce, this is the lowest rate in the world. According to a 2013 survey, 74% of young adults preferred arranged marriages instead of free choice ones.
– Many Indian farmers use Coca Cola as a cheaper form of pesticide.
– There are approximately 501 wildlife sanctuaries in India and almost 90,000 species.
– Male literacy is about 75%, while female literacy is only 54%.
– There is a floating post office in Dal Lake, which opened up in 2011.
Ručni rad
– The Punnathoor Cotta Elephant Yard Rejuvenation Centre in Kerala is virtually an elephant spa; they pamper, feed and massage the tame giants here.
– India has the largest number of vegetarians; as a consequence, the consumption of meat is lowest here, too.
– India is the world’s largest milk producer. Well, this shouldn’t really come as surprise, right?

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